Directors’ Education and Accreditation Program (DEAP) October 2016
CIDA has partnered with Chartered Secretaries Canada to offer DEAP in the Cayman Islands.
WHEN: 11, 12 & 13 October 2016
WHERE: Governors Square Board Room, Lime Tree Bay Avenue, Grand Cayman Cayman Islands
WHO: CIDA are currently accepting applications from CIDA members and thereafter will open up applications to non-CIDA members if spaces remain
COSTS: US$1,000 for CIDA Members and US$1,250 for non-CIDA Members
The DEAP welcomes experienced and newly appointed directors with management or professional experience. Participants are drawn from a mix of backgrounds and is offered first to CIDA members then to other persons interested in learning more.
What separates DEAP from other directors’ programs?
DEAP is a sharply focused program, delivering critical content in a condensed period of time. It is designed for busy people who want to get what they need in a timely fashion.
When you register for DEAP, you will receive material (electronically) to be read ahead time – one document for each of the modules. The workshop will be three days in duration and will be a mix of presentations, discussions, case studies and a quiz for each module.
Upon successful completion, you will be awarded the Accredited Director designation (Acc.Dir.) and receive membership of Chartered Secretaries Canada.
In this program, you will be exposed to the following:
- Governance
- What is corporate governance
- Directors and the board
- Directors and management
- The board and shareholders
- Financial Disclosure and Reporting
- Financial objectives
- Accounting concepts and financial statements
- Financial management
- Ratio analysis
- Financial disclosures
- Enterprise Risk Management (ERM)
- The ERM Revolution
- ERM definition and conceptual framework
- ERM language, measures, models and tools
- ERM case studies
- Practical considerations in implementing ERM
- Strategy
- Introducing strategy
- Strategic management
- Rational model
- Emergent strategy
- Strategic management in different contexts
CIDA considers that this may be useful to obtain different perspectives on corporate governance from an internationally recognized orgainstaion such as Chartered Secretaries Canada.
For further information please contact Sabrina Foster (